Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 3 In Review (March 21-27)

So I seem to have a trend of only having one random ride a week. I blame Mother Nature. However this ride was very eventful. I was biking my way to Good Karma along the lauded Pine Street bike lane when this Fed Ex truck decided to turn right, right into me. It was not a cute situation. Nothing serious happened it was kind of in slow motion. I ran into his front bumper and skidded along the sidewalk. I didn’t know what to do so I kind of just stopped and looked at him and he looked at me and then while I was biking away he asked if I was ok. Based on his response time I’m glad I was.

Calories Burned

Anyway, I’ve now biked through 4.95% of Philadelphia, making progress a few tenths of a percent at a time. Right now I don’t have any numbers from the Bucks County bike ride. I’m working on trying to figure out something with multiple municipalities.  I’ll keep you all posted.

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