Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 12 in Review (May 23 - 29)

I got Loretta back from the shop/doctor last Monday and had a momentary panic attack when I began to bike away and my front brake got stuck my chain fell off and I realized Breakaway Bikes failed to reinstall my computer. I went in about to cut someone. However, the guy fixed all of it pretty quickly, albeit rather begrudgingly.  I did have a conversation that went kinda like this:

Me: “Um, also my bike computer is in this bag” 

Bike dude: “oh yea we took it off because it was broken” 

Me: “oh it’s not, it just looks a little beat up”

Bike dude: ::blank stares::

Me: “so, can you put it back on?” 

After all that hassle I didn’t really take advantage of Loretta’s tune up.  Aside from some errand running and hanging out during the middle of the week I didn’t bike anywhere. It was a pretty busy week getting ready for the wedding of Ben and Sarah. (Congratulations, Berah!!)  I did get a few rides in though:

Calories Burned

I only covered an extra tenth of a square mile, mostly in Queen Village, which is now one of my top 10 neighborhoods.  With this extra boost my total area is 24.64 sq. mi. covering 17.19% of the city.  There was minimal changes to neighborhoods, but go ahead and check out the Geographic Analysis page anyway. 

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