Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 10 in Review (May 9 - 15)

Albeit that I haven’t updated my blog with interesting post about my ride at all really this week, I ended up biking around a lot.  I took a ride to Germantown, via a route through Brewerytown, Strawberry Mansion and Allegheny West.  It was really fascinating but by the time I reached Germantown I was pretty tired and people were not very nice. It’s also a rather grubby section of the city, although the main strip looked a tab cleaner than the last time I had seen it.  Additional to my Germantown ride I started to bike do laps around FDR Park in South Philly (My favorite park)

Calories Burned

The FDR Park laps have started to satisfy a competitive side in me.  A lap is once around the drive that circles the ponds in the park, it’s roughly 1.65 miles.  The first day I did laps I did 4 of them and one lap I did in 5min and 18 sec. which is the fastest I’ve ever biked around there, it’s an average 18.7 mph.  Over all I averaged less than 17mph for all four laps.  However on the second day that I went (I also did 4 laps) I was much more consistent and was a little quicker overall with slightly higher than 17 mph, 17.2.   That was my adventure for the week. 

I made a large gain in the percentage of Philly I’ve been through. This week I have cycled through just shy of 17.12% of the entire city or 25.5 sq. mi.  Additionally I’ve made great gains in the number of neighborhoods I’ve been in, 97 out of 138 neighborhoods or 70%.

As always make sure you check out the Geographic Analysis page for a more in depth look.   

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