Wednesday, April 6, 2011

COMING SOON: Neighborhood Analysis

After a few excruciating hours of filling in areas of the city where neighborhoods don’t exist I created the following map.  Now I’m very well aware of the fact that there are neighborhoods within neighborhoods in Philadelphia. I’m sure there are areas of South Philly that are such microcosms that a neighborhood consists of three Italian grandmothers’ rowhouses.   I’m not interested in trying to figure out if I’ve biked down that street.  However the neighborhood shapefile that I found had some strange boundaries, so if there are any GLARING mistakes, please let me know.

In the near future I’m hoping to add a few pages to this blog: an introduction to Philly, a running tally of neighborhoods and municipalities that I’ve biked through, and maybe a more extensive stat page on my statistics.  The last is a long shot – I still have to find a paying job. 

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